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Scholarships For Adult Students

Adults after certain age make a decision to back to college. However, it is quite difficult for them to get funding after their return. For adults, attending college can be financially difficult and looking for funding can be equally difficult.

Those who have graduated years back and have joined the workforce, but are considering returning to academic field, and then seeking adult scholarship is the best option to go for. For adults, there are different programs like full time, part time and distance learning for further studies.

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An average community college charges around $2000 for a year. Part time program could be much less. These programs are specially designed for those who want to get back to academic year to enhance their career forward. Fortunately, there are companies that pay part tuition amount of their employee’s further education.

Where To Look For Adult Scholarship?

The very first place to look for adult scholarship is at college and universities that offer special funding for returning students. You need to apply to get the funding from universities. Moreover, there are employers who pay half fees for the course taken by their employees.  One can also seek for free college scholarship available online. Different types of scholarships are available today for adult students. You can even avail for widespread resources including government-sponsored students’ assistance programs, privately funded education initiatives, campus-specific aid and other financial aid efforts.

Scholarships for adult students offer precise benefits over high school seniors in the search for scholarships, especially when it comes to scholarship essays. Moreover, most adult students had wonderful life experiences and have had to prevail over a lot of problems and so they will never be at a loss of words when it comes to filling their scholarship application. Below mentioned are adult scholarships offered by various funding resources:

-State Specific Financial Aid

Students applying for this aid get supplement funding are offered with additional resource. Unique national scholarship opportunities exit for certain age group. There are state educational boards which are committed to adult education, so returning students qualify for state-backed funding. One such is Talbots Charitable Foundation which offers more than $1.5 million worth of financial assistance to adult women returning to college. The foundation offers annual funding of $1000 – $10,000.

Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund

This funding is offers adults who are responsible for dependant children and want to pursue further studies. Some of the available funding are- AARP Women’s Scholarship Program, Adult Students in Scholastic Transition and few other.

ASIST Scholarship

The Adult Students in Scholastic Transition (ASIST) is offered for adults facing economic, social or physical challenges. The scholarship ranges from $ 2,000 to $10,000.

Depaul Scholarship

The University under Accelerated Adult Degree Completion Program offers scholarship after recognizing the role of adult students that require fast tracks to higher education. Each student accepted into the program automatically realizes an annual scholarship worth $12,000. There are two types of scholarships- Academic and External Scholarships.

Return2College Scholarship

This funding is available for US Students adults with the funding of $1000 annually.  The funding is offered for students for adults who are starting a program of higher education (college or graduate school) within the next 12 months or are currently full- or part-time students.

Kaplan University College of Public Service Scholarships

This scholarship is awarded to students who are currently employed for at least 1yr and working for government or non-profit organization.

Walmart Associate Scholarship

The scholarship is available for associates who want to pursue Walmart’s Lifelong Learning Program through American Public University (APU). The total funding offered is $3000.

AAUW Career Development Grant

This funding is available for women who want to re-enter the workforce. Applicable only for bachelor degree holders, there are total 47 grants ranging from $2000- $! 2,000.

Larry McDonald Scholarship

This scholarship is offered for US students with the age of 30yrs. Moreover, the candidate must be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered (GLBT) and must be taking a course in the arts or humanities. The total funding offered is $500.